IVF will hopefully bring us the miracle we are waiting for. |
About Me
I'm 37 and have been happily married since Sept. 2002. Ivan is truly my companion in life. Our TTC journey has felt like a never ending roller coaster ride. We had an ectopic PG in Dec. 04 and in April 05 found out my IF is due to tubal abnormality. We were told IVF was our only hope. July 05 we did IVF # 1 and it was a chemical PG. We did IVF # 2 in Oct. 05 and it was a BFN. In Jan. 06 we did a combined fresh and frozen embryo transfer and it was a BFN. We were determined not to give up our dream of having a baby. IVF # 4 was in April 06. The cycle worked like a charm and on December 20, 2006 we were blessed with Hannah and Matthew. |
Saturday, April 22, 2006 Hello hope...I've missed you
Hope came to me in the form of 27 follicles. I could not believe it. Dr. S was also shocked by the amount of follies on CD 9. There are 15 measuring between 13-16 mm. I never imagined I would have that many. As I waited for the scan I kept repeating "10 will be good" but seeing 27 follies was unbelievable. Dr. S joked that I was better then the Easter bunny.
27 follies.....YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't wait to call Ivan and tell him the news. I wanted to scream from the excitement. Of course he couldn't help but say "I told you so". I'm sure he was a little nervous but wouldn't admit it. As I walked down 5th Avenue I started thinking how this might actually work. I've been so worried and anticipating disappointment that I never even pondered the idea of a successful cycle. So right now I think I can breathe, reflect and feel hopeful....hey I have every reason to be hopeful. I go back tomorrow morning for another scan. The nurse said I might trigger tomorrow or Monday night....wow it's all happening so fast. Thanks for your support and kind words in my last post. A special thanks to Jenna and Jennie for the beautiful Reunion Heart necklace in remembrance of my angels. I will post a pic later (can't find my camera). 15 Comments:
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